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Announcement: Launch ceremony of the India-Croatia Startup Bridge

Posted on: December 13, 2021 | Back | Print

Launch ceremony of the India Croatia Startup Bridge

Predstavljanje inicijative India-Croatia Startup Bridge

The India-Croatia Startup Bridge challenge winners were announced with the presence of Ambassador Srivastava, Mr. Deepak Bagla, CEO of Invest India, & representatives of HAMAG-BICRO, Startup India, Infobip & HexGn. During the function, India-Croatia's cooperation in innovation for global good was highlighted. Over 300 submissions and 13 winners in 50 days of challenge point to the vast potential that exists between India and Croatia.
Deepak Bagla: "The Startup challenge, which has collected over 300 solutions in the field of innovations, shows the opportunities for Croatian Startups in #NewIndia".

Ambassador Srivastava: “As two democracies India and Croatia believe in empowering people and the success of this startup challenge entirely belongs to the people involved in this initiative. The three Ss of Speed, Scale, & Sensitivity were also witnessed in full glory during the 50 days of this inaugural challenge. “
